Is it possible to get my ex gf back
And i have been talking to her every other day an she will send pics to me but then she wont answer my calls we text all the time and she tells me she loves me and she is still in love with me but she needs time and she dont know because she dont want to rush. But she still kinda be flirting with other men im confused.
Millions of women would kill to be in a loving relationship with you dude. Hi Dan, About a month ago my girlfriend of 18months broke up with me. There were very little warning signs. I was willing to spend the rest of my life with her and planned to move in with her next year. What do i do? To have any chance of getting her back, I recommend you hook up with hotter women than her and start posting up pics to Facebook.
Sounds pretty simple and possibly superficial, but it is the solution. This is where my story Begins. I broke up with my girlfriend a month ago, we were together for 6 months. I broke up with her because I was very sick on my birthday, and she was suppose to show up at a certain time but she didnt..
I found out a few days later she started doing molly and exctasy after I had broken up with her. Ive tried almost every trick In the book now, I wrote her colorful notes and brought her stuffed animals.
I would try and get her to text me or call but she wouldnt. I talked to her parents trying to suck it up and not tell them that there beloved daughter is doing hardcore drugs. I talked to her mom and she said to not give up on her daughter and that she still loves me. I left my cute note and a stuffed animal there for her to find when she returned home. I talked to her after class and told her how I felt about her, that I was just angry for what I had said when we broke up and that I really wanted to be with her, I cryed as I told her I didnt abandon her and that I just want what we used to have together, I told her that I was sorry for mistreating her and that I should have loved her much more.
I talked to her for an hour about how I felt I got on my knees and pleaded with her that I still love her. I turned around and she turned around and glanced at me, I ran up to her and pulled off the bennie that we always shared together, I gave her one of my most prized posessions. I looked at her and bent down to kiss her lips, she hesitated some but there was still a kiss between us. Im currently asking myself what do I do now? I want to be with her with everything Ive got. Wow, dude — sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but you are doing it ALL wrong.
It would literally take me 30 mins to explain all your mistakes in reply. Read the article above. Also, read the comments and my replies. I really enjoyed your article! I look forward to putting some of this into practice.
Me and my ex recently broke up after 6 years together. She left me because when we fight I can get really mean and end up fighting to emotionally hurt them rather than get a point across. Hi Dan I have got to say after searching the net on how to get my ex gf back endlessly you seem to be the only person who really seems to make any sense.
I have been going out with this girl for the past 2 years and prior to her my longest relationship was 3 months. Woman have always been easy for me to get. But I fell in love with her and decided to change for the better. So I became this nice guy yet she never did trust me due to my past.
Yet our feelings never left. I know she is now speaking a lot and going out with another guy. But I do love her still. Is it because I became this sweet guy that she lost interest? Should I leave her alone? The thing is, there is nothing wrong with being nice, but you will almost always run into problems with women when you are TOO nice.
Niceness and sweetness is not what attracts women; they only appreciate it from men whom they respect and feel attraction for. When it comes from weak or needy men, it is resented and often taken advantage of. BTW: Did you listen to this?
Hi Dan, great article. Any advice? Did you make any of these mistakes? When we split I broke down. I moved about a week later miles away to take a high paying job. I realized this was a mistake and stopped. I still call her times per week since leaving but only as a friend. She say we made better friends than a couple. She still cares about me and likes me as a person. I still love her and want more… Im 35 and she is She is incredible.
She brings out the fun,lighthearted and playful side of me. When we got together I was getting over some very rough times and she was there for me, getting my life together and going back to school. But a bunch of crap happened somewhat related to us getting together and I got in trouble. Because of this I couldnt complete my schooling as a medical professional.
Even thru this she stuck with me. After a while I got depressed and played games and neglected our relationship. Things were awesome, intense, passionate to start with and for the first years. She said one day she was moving out, soon after i left state. Do I have any chance? If so what must I do?
Thanks in advance for a reply. It sounds like it was a great relationship and you also both experienced an unforgettable connection with each other. Also, calling her every week since the break up is not something you should be doing if you want her back.
You want her to miss you, right? Let HER be the one wanting to speak to you. However, her comment about you and her making better friends than a couple says it all. I have sentimental feelings for you, but the passion is gone. Just because you experienced true love with her, it does not mean you cannot ever find it again.
In fact, because of the approach that I take with my women, the love in my relationships is always strong, deep and unforgettable. Personally, the only reason my relationships end is because the women want to marry me or have babies, so I break it off. Not to mention that all of those women still hold a place for me in their heart and wish they could be with me. Personally, no woman has broken up with me since I worked this stuff out over 7 years ago and developed the Dating Power approach to women.
About your ex: She may come back to you, but in the meantime you should know that love is abundant and you will experience it in a different way with a different woman again sometime soon. Hi I got invoived with a lady with my area,I stated getting a long has gudfrd until a time whn we agreed to start dating,we dated 4 abt two weeks then suddenly she decided to change her mind that o she needed ws frindship,this ws after I had taken even a resposibility to sponsor her to schol after few days of beging,and pleding finally sh told me sh did wtd any boyfrd anymore,I asked her y?
Wt loose her. The first thing you need to learn is to not write like a girl. The way you typed up your comment is how girls write these days. About her missing her ex-boyfriend: Trying to talk her out of it will only push towards him. She will then be drawn to you.
The best medicine for women like that is for you to pull away and begin sleeping with other women. Post pics up on Facebook of you with other women. When she sees that she will contact you.
Pleading with her will only push her into his arms. I have been dating a girl for a year when I drink I say hurtful things putting. Thanks for your honesty mate. It sounds like you need to use this as a lesson and grow as a man from it.
I think it will be best for both of you. My girlfriend dumped me because she thought she was a shit girlfriend, because she never showed emotion much, and she was too mature for a relationship.
She showed emotion on her first few months, and she never show emotion to anyone. How do I win her back without showing all my emotions? However, if she is already wanting to break away and go clubbing, she is not a girl who wants to get married and settle down with one man yet. You achieve that by showing her that other women want you. Yes, a break up under that circumstance definitely has a chance of repairing.
However, you must stop telling her that YOU will change. Give her space and see if she comes back. If she is planning on going out with her girlfriends and meeting other guys, you must get out there and hook up with some women. Ok so I dated this girl for 6 months and it started off fantastic, we never fought and we always had a good time. Well she was cheated on and had a terrible relationship with a guy that she dated awhile before me. The only reason I bring that up is because after awhile one of her friends who had feelings for me before told her I was cheating on her which was complete bullshit.
We kept dating but things were definitely not the same. She ended it because of that reason. She basically said that I pushed her away by irritating her by not giving her space. We texted for an hour and she even asked how I was doing which she never did when I tried to get her back. She still said what is done is done though. I know all signs leading to me not getting her back. She showed more interest when you gave her space.
If she really does want to be with you, she will eventually get in contact with you and try to re-initiate things. In the age of Facebook and photo sharing, the best strategy is to move on. My girlfriend and I went out for a year and 7 months broke up with me a week ago on a Sunday. On the Friday before that she did not text back so I just sent her a text that said goodnight. Saturday morning she sent me a text saying she was sorry and that it wouldnt happen again.
Saturday it happened again and on Sunday she said she was sorry and said she felt really bad. LAter on throughout the evening we talked and she said that she needed time to think that she felt she needed time alone and that she was confused and could not even explain her confusion she said it was better if we broke up.
To this, i was shocked and questioned her and kind of begged her no to do it. Anyways, she did. She said it wasnt me that it was her for not dedicating the time to the relationship like i did. She called me on Tuesday again and a similar conversation took place and said she was sorry for confusing me and that she would stop. We did not talk Wednesday or Thursday and on Friday she sent me a text and said Hi how are you and I did not respond.
She then called me at 8 at night and I did not respond. Moreover, it was 3 am saturday morning and she called me and told me that she missed me and that all she wanted to do was to be with me and that she was going to try to go to visit me the next day and that she knew I wanted to move on but it was hard for her.
The next day she calls me and says that she was sorry for making things worse but she was drunk when she called i had no idea. I told her it would be better to meet to talk but she said that it would only make things worse and that she felt it was only going to affect her more and she said we should wait till we meet back home to see what would happen. So i insisted to meet her and she did expect me to go although she said she did not want to. She then sent me a text and said if I was going and I then told her I wasnt because she needed her space and that i respect her.
She said thank for understanding it could only make things worse. The following day it was my birthday and she was the first one to call I answered and said thank you but tht I had to go.
She sent me a text and said I hope I was having a good time.. I did not respond. I really do not want to loose her.. This sounds like a simple case of the man caring about the relationship more than the woman. Regardless of what women might say when asked or what actors might say in TV sitcoms, the reality is that women are repelled by guys who are needy about the relationship.
A woman wants to be the one who is worrying and caring more about the relationship. Stop chasing her to get it back together. Have a life and include her in it when you can. She will then try to be included more and more by impressing you and being a good girl. I met this girl last new years eve, we got together and dated for a few weeks, was great, and she went back to school out of state. When we spent the summer together I got in a weird funk and the relationship basically fell apart.
We tried dating this winter and I tried to be as nice as possible to make up for the summer, but she said she just had no feelings. She even told me she is not interested in me and is already interested in someone else and basically plans on not being single by the time she returns home this summer. I understand now that I need to take your advice and show her I do not need her and I am my own person. Is she too far gone at this point to get back into my life?
Or could a few months of not talking and improving my life maybe bring her back? Thank you in advance! You also need to be attractive to women. I recommend you read my book The Flow and learn about attraction. Hey, My girlfriend broke up with me because I was cheating and she found out. I have realized my mistake and I want her back. She have lost all the trust she had for me. Now I dnt know what to do. I love her a lot and I wish to spend the rest of my life with her.
Its very hard to move on and I dnt know what to do. I would love some advice. Hi Dan. I split with my ex-girlfriend over a month ago now. She treat me badly and got with some other guys to make me jelous after the relationship ended. I read your story about how it all began for you — with your ex girlfriend and how she treat you badly. About your question re my ex: Yes, I am glad that it ended. Her and I added each other on Facebook about a year ago and wow, she has packed on a lot of weight since.
These days, I mostly hook up with women between years old, so I am so glad things turned out the way they did. She was simply a woman that I had a relationship with. Since then, so many women have loved me and are still in love with me and asked me to marry them.
As you continue using the techniques we teach here at The Modern Man, you WILL get to a point where women literally ask you to marry them. I have been with my GF for 7. I have been txting her about once a week no reply and sent her 3 detailed emails with replys from her after a while, which says she does not want to get back and she wants to be single as she is following her heart n feels this is the best thing for her at the moment and also said she said not to call her as she is not ready to talk to me.
I really want another chance to try and fix the mistakes which I made and be the better boyfriend she wanted, i guess me emailing her or getting her friends and family to help me has not worked so what can I do now?? Do you think she just wants time to find herself and them we might fix things in the future? Should i contact her in future? What can i do to help her want me again? Sorry bout all the questions and the long story.. Based on the other things she has said, she clearly wants to move on.
Telling her that you will change and pleading with her to take you back will only cause her to lose more attraction and respect for you. Unfortunately, it sounds like the relationship has run its course. She is not the right girl for you. When you are with the right woman, you will continue to show love and affection as the years go on. I would recommend that you stop all contact with her until you hook up with another woman and have feelings for the new woman.
I was wondering if you can help me. I met this woman on an online dating site about 5 months ago. We hit it off straight away and loved each others company. I was introduced to her family and her 2 children.
We hooked up lastweek at her request and she told me she wants to be with me but take things slow. I agreed, foolishly me thinks. Well, we went for food and drinks and ended up back at hers where we slept together. Way too fast i know but we were both caught up in the moment. The next day everything seemed fine, sending each other jokey texts. I know i can live without her but i want her back so much. I find myself thinking about her all the time. Remembering the great times we had.
It sounds like she is merely stringing you along until she finds something better, or in this case gets back with her ex. In other words, get her chasing you and thinking about you all the time.
Dan, Appreciate the help. GF of over a year broke up with me a month ago due to me not respecting her. We began to argue a lot more the last couple months. She moved to where i was living to give it a chance with me and i screwed up. I have talked to her a few times over the past month not at her wishes. She eventually blocked my number and facebook so we do not have contact. She told me she still loves me and i really do love her and am sorry for the things i did.
I want her to give me another chance because i truly feel we were meant for eachother and i know i am better then the person who treated her so poorly. I made her feel unappreciated and was a bit selfish in the relationship. I know what i did that made her break up with me i just wish i could make things right. She always would tell me she would never break up with me and I guess i believed her, took her for granted a bit. I feel terrible looking back on the things i did to make her break up with me.
I have been trying not to have any contact with her but its very hard because we were madly in love. The saying is true you dont know what youve got till its gone. How can i get her back? Basically all of the other questions under this article are from guys who were too nice. If you now plead with her or try to convince her to take you back, you will not be displaying the confident indifference that she is attracted to in guys.
I recommend that you treat her well, but give her space. It will take time and maybe a couple of failed relationships for her to want you again. Hi, my ex and I got into an arguement.
We both avoided one another for a full week then she left for vacation for 2 months and during the time of her absence we talked on a regular basis nearly everyday. But now she is back from her trip, he says she had made up her mind for not wanting to get back together. The agruement we had were based on trust and blaming her for things that happened.
I really want her back, and have made several adjustments in my attitude but she says her mind is made up. What can I do? It sounds like she has had enough time to think about what she wants. Her feelings have changed and she is now trying to distance herself from you to avoid being dragged back into the relationship.
Do you think we still have a chance to get back together? Should I be the first one to send a text or call? Great article! It made me realize alot about my relationship. You said not to bring ur feeling from other relationships to the new people. That is where I messed up.
But over time she forgave me and said its fine but the thing is she keeps bringing it up even after 4 years. And the thing is we broke up a couple weeks ago and she told me she had feeling for someone for a couple days and then a couple days later she made out with someone when she was drunk. But she still keeps telling me she loves me soo much and she thinks she wants to be with me for the rest of her life but that she just needs to be single for now.
Am I right or wrong? I did do a stupid thing that u mentioned like talked to her mom and her friend and show a little sign of weakness. But how should I fix that? She does spend money to come home to see me. I go to school close by home and she goes to school there but her parents live 30 mins from me and this is where she went to high school. I do care about her and she says she cares about me.
I also feel that her new friend is influensing her because right when she met her she started to drink and party alot with her. Her other room mate was her only best friend last year and that room mate is nice. So I feel like she changes her personality to the person she hangs out with the most.
Am I doing something wrong? Thanx Kam. He has already helped countless men from all over the world to get their ex woman back and he can help you too. There is no quicker, more effective way to get an ex woman back than what Dan teaches in this secret video.
Most guys will never discover this secret and as a result, they miss out on getting their ex woman back. Watch the video now it's free. Toggle navigation. Yes, you can. Getting an ex-girlfriend back is definitely possible. Because she knows that a higher value guy who is worthy of her respect and time, would not tolerate BS from her.
Did she manage to turn your emotions negative via her displays of bitchiness? This is another example of the guy trying harder in the relationship than the girl, and her perceiving her own mate value as the higher of the two.
That then leaves the less-trying individual her as the higher mate value individual of the two. Of course, any woman who notices that her man is putting more effort into the relationship than she is, and that therefore HIS mate value is lower than hers, will lose attraction for him. Yet another example of the man in the relationship not taking the lead, and perhaps even behaving submissively. Bucket loads of attraction gets lost this way! Equally though, bucket loads of attraction can be gained in the bedroom too.
Keep reading! A classic tell that you were WAY more involved in the relationship than she was. Because believing that your girlfriend is the most suitable partner you could realistically get, creates a scarcity mindset around attractive women which brings out all the needy, desperate and try-hard i.
If you behaved in 3 or more of the above ways during the latter stages of your relationship with your ex-girlfriend, then the reason you lost her is that her attraction for you faded out. How can I get my ex-girlfriend back? Your next step is to take my chances of getting your ex back quiz.
Your results on that quiz will then give you tailored guidance on what your plan of action needs to be for your specific situation. It is entirely possible for a girl to be super attracted to her boyfriend, but dump him regardless.
For that reason, women need to see progress in relationships that indicates to them that they are on course to have kids. Women need to notice this kind of progress because it shows them that eventually the relationship could lead to her delivering what nature intended — kids. So if your relationship with your ex stayed the same after 6 months or after a year in other words if it failed to evolve and grow , then it would have violated her desire for relationship progression.
She would then have seen you as a poor suitor, dumped you and gone off to find a guy who shows more signs of commitment and long-term suitability. Any situation in which your ex expressed to you that she wanted something to develop or happen between you two, yet you refused to make it happen in the months after she showed that she wanted it — any situation like that is a sign.
Being a bit of an asshole to your girl now and then is generally pretty healthy for a relationship. Girls do dump guys for this. This is where a guy puts in almost NO effort with his girlfriend.
He leaves it to her to start the messaging or calling, always. He shows no concern or sympathy for any problems she might be having. He might even fail to initiate sex often through being too laid back. In that situation a girlfriend will, in return, go cold on you too.
Again, she ends up feeling disconnected. Many women have quite simple and somewhat boring lives, so she might struggle to relate to you with your travel-filled lifestyle, amazing car or massive house that you told her about for example.
And if she struggles to relate to you because she sees you as WAY better than her, she will go cold and initiate the no contact rule on you. Category B here contains the exact opposite behaviors of Category A. In Category A , those behaviors are try-hard too hard. Nevertheless, if category B fits your situation, then you have a good chance of getting your ex back, so long as you play your cards right from here.
Move onto the next step and I will help you and show you more of how to get your ex-girlfriend back! This is the easiest circumstance in which to learn how to get an ex back; a situation where one of you moved to another area, and then the long-distance made having a healthy relationship difficult. Why is this the easiest? Like, for instance, getting a girl back from another guy. But when you only broke up due to distance, the attraction she feels for you is still present.
So even if it seems impossible in a long-distance scenario, winning her back can be done. NOTE: All steps below this point are supplementary. Your priority should be on clicking on a Category above, and following the advice I give for each specific category. All of my advice below will be more generalized and may or may not be right for your situation. Spending time apart and giving your ex-girlfriend space is an important step in the how to win an ex back process.
How much time? No texts. No emails. Let her hear your voice and register some sincere effort on your part. If she turns you down, give her space. If she accepts your date invite, ease in. Then, if the date is going well and she seems to be warming up you know, read the signs say you want her back. She knows, you know—keep the conversation light.
If she seems open, and you want to step up for another at-bat, acknowledge your shortcomings. Swallow your pride. Focus on the positive qualities that brought you together in the first place, like your crazy sense of humor, or the way your laid-back personality complements her type-A tendencies.
Even though you might want a new beginning, you should still tap back into those old loving feelings. An easy way to recreate happy times is to meet up in a safe, familiar environment—like an outing with your mutual friend group.
Not weeks, or even a few months. But likely 6 months or longer. And the only way to get her back into your life is to arrive at a point where you no longer need her in your life but choose to have her in your life. You must accept this call to adventure, commit to your personal growth and transformation and come to the realization that you can be happy, whole, and complete, with or without your ex in your life.
You may arrive at the end of this journey wondering why you ever dated your ex in the first place like so many men do. Or you may realize that the two of you genuinely were a good match and that the only reason for your break up was that you failed to address unmet needs of hers. Either way, by the time you have taken action on the following 7 steps, you will be a radically different man from the man you are today…a man with an abundance of women in his life, an amazing social circle, and an unshakable sense of purpose and identity that supersedes any relationship.
If not, and assuming the breakup was very recent less than 30 days ago , it is acceptable to call and chat briefly to understand what went wrong. Listen…I respect your decision and I agree that right now this is best for both of us. And honestly, I need some time apart before I could even consider a platonic friendship. What did I do wrong? Give me another shot!
And when she replies negatively, you curse her to oblivion dropping everything she ever did wrong in a second onslaught. She might even find herself second-guessing her decision to end the relationship because she sees you expressing attractive traits like resilience, a growth mindset, and self-reliance. By virtue of the maturity you are displaying, she may realize that you are genuinely receptive to working on the issues in your relationship and consider what it would be like with you if those issues were resolved.
Typically, a relationship ends—at least in the case where she broke up with you—for one of only three reasons. The most common reason that your ex broke up with you is that you became too needy inside of the relationship over time. They want a man who is doing interesting things with his life, who has his own purpose, who is on his own journey.
You allowed yourself to devolve into beta male behaviors and mindsets and refused to lead the relationship. If this is you, then you must work to cultivate more alpha traits and adopt a leadership role in your own life.
Women are not attracted to spineless men and, as painful as it might be to hear, these types of behaviors are all indicators of weakness and an inability to stand up for yourself and lead your own life. Behaviors that must be eradicated if you ever want to get back with your ex girlfriend or attract women in general. Months, maybe even years passed, and the two of you were in the exact same situation as when you first started dating. Women crave security.
The good news is that it will be much easier to win your ex back in this scenario. The bad news is that winning her back will require even deeper internal work and personal development to get to the root cause of your fear and inability to appropriately give and receive love.
Maybe she was a free-loving woman who wanted nothing more than a simple life outside of the city and to spend her days painting…And you are a hardcore hustler who values goal achievement, financial success and to live in a big city.
Maybe she values partying and fun, and enjoys going out to bars and clubs every weekend…and you value discipline and your career and need a more routine and healthier lifestyle. If the two of you are fundamentally different people who value fundamentally different things the relationship will never work. And if you try to make it work by lying to yourself and shifting your priorities, not only will you lose dignity and respect with yourself, but both of you will eventually grow to despise one another for the major life sacrifices made.
There are millions of beautiful and amazing women on this planet who want the same things for you and would be a perfect fit for your life. I know this hurts. So over the next few months, you must reduce any prolonged thoughts of your ex from your mind. Stop daydreaming and reminiscing about the past which will only prevent you from moving forward in reality. Unfollow her on social media. Avoid going to places she regularly frequents the gym she trains at, her favorite coffee shop, the bar you used to go to together.
And throw out everything in your house or apartment that reminds you of her. If this is too hard, put it in a box and tuck it away in a closet. The goal is out of sight then out of mind. Invest all of your time, energy, and attention into becoming a stronger more grounded man and creating an amazing life that you can genuinely enjoy with or without your ex.
As paradoxical as it may seem, the way to win back your ex is to get to a point in your life where you no longer need your ex to feel happy, whole, and fulfilled. You can start with your physical body. In addition to improving yourself physically, you should also invest heavily in improving your social not just dating life and meeting your need for connection. Go out with friends a few times per week. Spend more time doing fun and sociable activities like group workout classes, standup comedy, and improv shows, live music, happy hour, and other social gatherings of related interests..