How long after 341 is discharge

Your Responsibilities After the Chapter 7 Creditors' Meeting Before you can get a discharge, you'll need to complete some tasks. Take a look at this list to see where you are in the Chapter 7 process : Have you provided financial documents to the Chapter 7 trustee assigned to oversee your case?

Did you appear at the meeting and provide any additional information the trustee requested? Did the trustee conclude the meeting you don't have to go back? Have you filed your debtor education certificate the deadline is 60 days after the first meeting date? If no one objects to your discharge, you'll receive it after the sixty-day objection period expires. If someone objects to the discharge but loses the adversary proceeding, you'll get it after sixty days or after the court hears the losing lawsuit, whichever is later.

If a creditor objects to one claim but not the entire discharge, you'll get a partial discharge after sixty days or when the creditor wins the motion, whichever is later. Here are some of the issues that could delay a case closure: The trustee needs to sell nonexempt property , distribute creditor funds, and provide a final accounting to the court.

The court must decide if the debtor owes the amount claimed by a creditor on a proof of claim A litigation issue must be resolved, such as a debtor's alleged fraudulent act or whether the debtor can keep property using a particular exemption.

Navigating Your Bankruptcy Case Bankruptcy is an unusual area of law because it's essentially a qualification process.

Need More Info? Take our bankruptcy quiz to identify potential issues and learn how to best proceed with your bankruptcy case. Talk to a Bankruptcy Lawyer Need professional help? Start here. Practice Area Please select Bankruptcy Debt Settlement Foreclosure. Zip Code. How it Works Briefly tell us about your case Provide your contact information Choose attorneys to contact you. Get Professional Help. How It Works Briefly tell us about your case Provide your contact information Choose attorneys to contact you.

More Bankruptcy Information. Bankruptcy Forms. Related Information. Had to send court few other papers, but was easy. Even though, creditors cant get any of my social security money, this is still a scary process hearing.

After reading alot of the , it should go pretty easy. Just shall be glad when over with. Capital one, still has me going to court one week after hearing date. Oh well, judge will straighten them out. Hi Mandy — This is a question for your attorney, but your income after filing would not typically raise a discharge issue. There can be an exception if you are unable to pass the means test, or if you have substantial disposable income.

Good luck, and thanks for touching base. Hi Megan — On August 28, , the U. However, the U. Trustee may approve a request by a trustee in a particular case to continue the section meeting to an in-person meeting in a manner that complies with local public health guidance, if the U. Trustee determines that an in-person examination of the debtor is required to ensure the completeness of the meeting or the protection of estate property. This policy may be revised at the discretion of the Director of the United States Trustee Program, but it remains in effect to date.

I wish we could help, but the answer to your question will depend on Florida law, among other things. I would be very careful under these circumstances, and consult with a well-qualified bankruptcy lawyer in your area before becoming involved. Corinne — The trustee, at least in the district where we practice, will make a docket entry stating that the meeting has been concluded.

That is the only record that we would normally see. You could contact the trustee directly if you need additional verification. Hi Cynthia — Great question. Greeting Barry. Fellow Washingtonian and my is quickly approaching here in September.

During the meeting, how many of my creditors should I expect on the call? My guestion is regarding transferring assets. My meeting concluded in May The bankruptcy was discharged. My tax return finally came a couple of weeks ago. I am very confused. All of my creditors have been notified that any debt I had is cleared through bankruptcy Court and there are no unexempt assets In this case, how do I know who got paid what?

I want to see proof of that payment. TY Donn. Hello, Donn — Our firm is only licensed in Washington and Idaho. The answer to your question would depend on Oklahoma law, as well as the bankruptcy laws. Please contact a bankruptcy attorney in your area for qualified assistance. Thank you. Your email address will not be published. The debtor is the person or other entity that has filed the bankruptcy, and owes money to the creditors.

Bankruptcy Filed Commencement of Case A voluntary bankruptcy is commenced when you file a petition with the Bankruptcy Court requesting protection from your creditors under Chapter 7 or Chapter A husband and wife may file one petition together and commence a joint case. Filing fee due In both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, the filing fee must accompany the petition which starts the case, unless an application to pay the fees in installments is granted.

Chapter Plan must be filed In Chapter 13, the Plan must also be filed within 15 days after the Bankruptcy was filed. The plan provides for submission of future income and the treatment of creditors, specifying when and how much each kind of creditor will receive.

About 18 Days after Bankruptcy Filed Court Mails Notice of Commencement of Case Approximately 18 days after the bankruptcy is filed, the court mails a Notice of Commencement of Case to the debtor and to the creditors included in thelist of creditors. The notice contains meeting date, deadlines for objections to discharge and for filing Proofs of Claims.

That statement shall indicate whether the debtor intend to: 1 reaffirm the debt and continue to make the payments remaining obligated for the balance of the debt, 2 redeem the property by immediately paying the value of the property, or 3 surrender the property.

A copy of the Statement of Intention must be served on the trustee and the creditors named in the statement on or before the filing of the statement. Chapter Plan payment due. The debtor in a Chapter 13 must start making his plan payments within 30 days after the bankruptcy was filed.

Chapter Plan must be mailed. Depending on local rules, the debtor or his attorney must mail a copy of the Chapter 13 Plan to all creditors within a specified time.


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