Can you get rogue daggers in lfr
Encrypted Text: How fast can you get Fangs of the Father? Christian Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Go for the eyes! User Info: DJPon3.
If that logic you should be able to get all the heroic gear in normal mode since you can get the legendary daggers in normal mode. User Info: Kcaz I feel like you should have to kill deathwing on heroic to get the daggers, but that would be pretty silly.
The daggers would be useless by the time you get them. I think getting them from NM Deathwing is a pretty good method. Most guilds will still be working on hard modes by then. User Info: Frogtk. You can get legendary staff in normal firelands. It's slower in normal than heroic, I imagine the same is true of daggers. By your logic you shouldn't have to play the game to get them, so I guess both of our logics are flawed.
Yours is ridiculously stupid and lazy though so hey. What are you going to do with legendaries, do probably not top anyway some dps in a 5man? In other words, if such a legendary will happen, he won't even want it. But he would probably convince himself to go assassination just to justify it. In fact he's been waiting for that dagger off Omnotron to even make an assassination set. Everyone put your mind powers into fixing it for us, please and thank you. So, Blizzard.
You know what you have to do. Put enough stats on this baby to make me want to dual-wield, and add a one-hander agi enchant into the game. Or at the very least something that procs on ranged attacks , for chrissakes.
And then I'll just get the dagger. What's the consensus now? Was the interview fake, or posted too soon? I'm leaning towards Posted Too Soon myself. I did read it and it really did look legit. A giant Pandaren will hold you and the rest of your raid's hand while he teaches you the bosses, he will even show you how to do your rotation.
Whenever you hit the correct button on your action bar the Pandaren will give you a high-five and the button will light up with stars. In addition, the Pandaren will also pick up you if you stand in fire.. Whenever you down a boss, the Pandaren will give you a hug and he will give you a star that goes right above your nameplate.
I play a warrior, so thus I try to ignore the existence of DKs as much as possible. AND why are they only doing weapons? IMO trinkey ftw BiS weird buff "use" anything Rogue weapon? By Stan , May 5 in News. Sylvanas also drops a unique dagger in Sanctum of Domination and the item received a new model in this week's 9. So these are the actual leggos of this expansion.
I had hoped for a weapon in the vein of shadowmourne and since they keep adding weapon drops to sylvanus i may get my wish. If it gets an ability similar to her bow then it would seem to me they are on track with adding a weapon for everyone.
Anduins sword, which splits in two would seem a logical next step for a unique drop. I highly doubt it. So far they've added the signature weapons of Sylvanas: We all know her as the ranger she is and therefore the bow was an obvious choice.
These daggers got a pretty spotlight when they were used in the Mak'Gora with Saurfang. The bow is pretty much the legendary of this raid hunters only , but so far the daggers just seem to be an epic drop I see no clue pointing towards it being a legendary.
Any other weapons than these just wouldn't make any sense. I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you. You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account.
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