Can i enchant nightingale armor

Falmer19 Active Member. Well, there is no glitches listed on the wiki that would allow this to happen, so I think you are out of luck. I think you used to be able to duplicate it on glitched mannequins and you would get an unechanted set, or something along those lines.

Haru17 Lost Falmer. Informative x 1. Saozig Hippy. God, I wish there was an non-exploit unechanted version for this armor.

I would have done the TG questline a million times over to get it. It is IMO the best looking armor even though it has a cape and I kind think capes are unrealistic and a bit silly.

You look like a carved statue. It's elegant and shadowy without being over-the-top well, Ok the cape is a wee bit OTT. I waited until my Bosmer was close to level 32 to jin the TG so he can get the highest leveled Nightingale armor, but I hate, hate, hate that Illusion enchantment on the mask.

My Bosmer's a no magic character and unles I change my mind and decie to incoprate Illusion into his game, he would have no use for that.

Nightingale Shield. The Nightingale Shield has the same states as a daedric shield. It can be found in the Nightingale Hall. It has an enchantment of waterwalking. Trinity Restored: become a Nightingale with Brynjolf. Weapons do not level up with you. The base damage stays the same regardless. Your weapon skill affects damage and this is why you are noticing higher displayed damage. This piece of armor is only available in three locations: Found on a shelf next to a coffin in Castle Volkihar Ruins during the quest "Chasing Echoes".

Obtained from Harkon's remains after he is killed during the quest "Kindred Judgment". It is almost identical to the Blackguard's Armor set.

Become a full member of the Thieves Guild if not one already. The full set is given to the Dragonborn by Karliah before performing the initiation ritual of the Nightingales during the quest " Trinity Restored " for the Thieves Guild. All pieces are obtained when activating the Armor Stone, emblazoned with the Nightingales symbol, inside the Nightingale Hall.

Each piece bears an enchantment, the magnitude of which is dependent on character level. Three tiers of armor are available and the set with the strongest enchantments can be obtained after level The character level when the quest "Trinity Restored" is started determines which tier of armor will be granted. In addition, wearing all four pieces of Nightingale Armor grants the effect "Nightingale Armor Full Set," which increases armor rating by 25 points. All pieces can be upgraded at a workbench with void salts and the Arcane Blacksmith perk, however they do not benefit from any Smithing perks.

This means they cannot be improved past flawless quality without boosting the Smithing skill over This section contains bugs related to Nightingale Armor. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:.


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