Why togaf training
The TOGAF Architecture principles provide a foundation for achieving strategic outcomes as they establish a set of rules to govern the behaviours and architectural decisions for an organisation. The TOGAF Architecture Principles are based on addressing the important metrics of getting tangible business benefits, obtaining maximum ROI on technology investments and on maximising the cost-efficiency of operations.
This course not only covers what TOGAF is, it also provides you with the knowledge and understanding of the framework which you can then look to take back to your organisation to start to apply the TOGAF concepts and methods. Worthwhile to attend to hear real-world scenarios.
It allows us to direct your request to the appropriate Customer Care team. Ask for details. First Name:. Last Name:. Company Name:. How can we help your team? Preferred method of contact:. Phone Email. Log In. Profile Log Out. TOGAF enterprise architects optimize and guide organizations with total clarity. This refers to a clear set of rules on organizational development designed to help large enterprises achieve development goals in a quick and cost-effective manner.
The framework itself offers guidance on how an organization can create, interpret, analyze and make use of different elements within a single strategy.
All while using clearly defined terminology, this enables simple communication between departments and a sizable reduction in the likelihood of wasteful errors. How, then, has a single set of guidelines become so popular? The first reason is simply a matter of scale. Enterprise architects need to maintain a clear vision of exactly what their organizations are progressing towards. At the same time, they must keep in mind the needs and capabilities of different departments in relation to the overall enterprise.
This is a lot to organize, even for a seasoned professional! TOGAF offers a solution by helping businesses to establish clear ROIs, solid communication, and enough perspective to tie everything together under one plan.
Pushing forward without a well-established planning framework risks severe delays and wasted resources. Worse yet, it will likely produce an end result that fails to satisfy expectations or requirements. In the corporate world, a single mistake can cost millions!
This framework was then handed over to the Open Group, which has continued to refine it ever since. Company reviews. Find salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Career Development. TOGAF specializations. Business architecture: This domain covers business strategy, organization, governance and business processes.
Data architecture: Data architecture documents the structure of local and physical data assets as well as any related data management resources. Applications architecture: This domain provides a blueprint for deploying individual systems. It includes the interactions among application systems and their relationships to business processes. TOGAF 9 certification exams. Business architecture Part 1. TOGAF certifications. TOGAF 9 Foundation: This certification is for professionals who have a basic understanding of the TOGAF 9 standard and is designed to verify their knowledge of the terminology, structure and basic concepts.
You must pass the Part 1 test to earn this credential. TOGAF 9 Certified: This certification is for professionals with a deeper understanding of the TOGAF 9 standard and who can analyze and apply their knowledge in the development of an enterprise architecture.