Why mimo ppt

Denunciar este documento. Marcar por contenido inapropiado. Descargar ahora. Carrusel anterior Carrusel siguiente. Buscar dentro del documento. Channel Matrix H y1 y2. User data stream s2. Wlan wifi Mesh 3. Network e. RFID 6. Documentos similares a mimo ppt p. Sabina Serban. Mohammed Ezzo. If you wish to download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social system.

Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you! Published by Jose Rigby Modified over 6 years ago. What happens when H is not square? Winters, J. Salz and R. Let the total transmitted power available per symbol period be P. Capacity is a random variable and has to be averaged over infinite realizations to obtain the true ergodic capacity.

Can we exploit this practically? As expected, there is a tradeoff System designs are based on trying to achieve either goal or a little of both By sending the SAME information through different paths, multiple independently-faded replicas of the data symbol can be obtained at the receiver end. Wireless spectral efficiencies of this magnitude are unprecedented, and are furthermore unattainable using traditional techniques This results in heavy degradation Most popular solution to compensate for ISI: equalizers As we move to higher data rates i.

IEEE Increases transmission rate. Total views 17, On Slideshare 0. From embeds 0. Number of embeds 6. Downloads Shares 0. Comments 0. Likes 9. Network beamforming using relays with perfect channel information. STBC - Key Challenges for the 5G Fixed Wireless Access Market - The 5G fixed wireless access network offers high-speed data transfer rate, low latency, and consistent connectivity, which are useful for various industries. Winters May 31, jwinters motia. Lo, Sriram Vishwanath and Robert W.

Heath, Jr. Junwu Zhang. Xuefeng Zhao. Bin Xue. Communication Theory. Wireless Data Services for Cellular Telephony Won-Joon Choi Dr.

Qinfang Sun Dr. Jeffrey M. Fundamentals of Wireless Communication - More important for cell site planning, less for communication system design.


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