Why funding applications fail
The applicant has an amiable working relationship with the funder during the application process. The application stands out against other applications and the funder can see what it is getting for its investment.
The budget is accurately costed, sources of match funding are in place and the applicant asks for a realistic amount from the funder. The applicant has good governance, management, administration and financial procedures in place. The applicant has a good track record of delivering funded projects. Ten Reasons Why Applications Fail The applicant is not eligible because of its legal form, lack of charity status, size or geographical remit.
Projects are poorly planned. What to Upload to SlideShare. Related Books Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd. Related Audiobooks Free with a 30 day trial from Scribd. Think Like a Billionaire James Altucher. Views Total views.
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From embeds 0. Number of embeds 0. Downloads 0. Shares 0. Comments 0. Likes 0. Ideally this will involve consultation with project users and other stakeholders as well as identifying the problems your project will address.
If not this will show in your application. Be clear on how your project will be delivered, what you hope to achieve and what resources will be required before you put pen to paper. Have you covered overheads, volunteer expenses, maintenance of equipment, for example. Be realistic and make sure your figures add up! Funders want evidence that the organisation is well managed, with experienced trustees. They may also want to see that policies and procedures are in place, for example for handling the finances or health and safety.
Timescales — Have you allowed enough time between applying for a grant and starting your project? It can take between three to six months, sometimes more, before funding is released and funders will not cover work which has already taken place.
Start with a range of smaller grants to build your reputation and demonstrate you can manage projects well. Most questions require an answer. Funders have limited time and read dozens of applications — the application form should provide all the information they need. What difference will your project make? Eligibility — Are you eligible to receive a grant from that funder? Need for the project — Do you have evidence to support your project?
Project planning — Have you planned your project from beginning to end? Unrealistic budgets — Have you factored in all your costs? Well managed — Can you show their grant is going to be well managed?