Why does kenny never die
But Cartman still likes Kenny at the same time. They often pair up. They genuinely have fun together. Some of his favourite hobbies include murder and attempted genocide. He murders a kids parents and feeds the flesh of their dead bodies to him. He accuses a Muslim kid of being a terrorist and tortures his parents. Unlike people who work and make the economy strong.
In the episode, Wendy breaks up with Stan, causing him to spiral into a deep depression. The boys, in an attempt to make him feel better, take him to Raisins, a parody of American restaurant chain Hooters.
Why can Kenny never die? Why is Kenny McCormick immortal? Tooth Trade Kenny. Cirque Du Cheville Singer Kenny. Long Blonde Wig Kenny. Fingerbang Kenny Dream. Fingerbang Kenny Non-Dream.
Sacrificed Kenny. Deer Kenny. Scout Kenny. Blaintologist Kenny. Limbless Kenny. STD Fighter Kenny. Gas Mask Kenny. Ass-faced Kenny. Kenny in Art Class. Junior Detective Kenny. Laundromat Kenny.
Metrosexual Kenny. Metrosexual Kenny 2. Black Person Disguise Kenny. Ninja Master Kenny Non-anime. Ninja Master Kenny Anime. Star Trek Outfit Kenny. Blanket Kenny. Wall-Mart Destroyer Kenny. Kenny in Pre-School. Hippie Kenny. Kenny Vegetable. Kenny Baseball. Whale Heist Kenny.
World of Warcraft Character Kenny. Obese WoW Kenny. Sock Bathed Kenny. Major Boobage Kenny. Peruvian Kenny. Kenny with purity ring. Kenny in Bedsheets. Kenny in Wrestling Gear. El Pollo Loco. Kenny on Whale Wars. Kenny in Swimsuit. Cartman Burger Kenny. Mexican Kenny. Ziplining Kenny. Live-Action Boating Kenny. Sarcastaball Kenny. Sarcastaball Kenny Unhooded. Native Hawaiian Kenny. Iron Kenny. Lady McCormick. Princess Kenny Anime. Live-Action Kenny. City Wok Worker Kenny. Ninja Kenny.
Pigeon Mask. Barbershop Quartet Kenny. Fortnite Kenny. Ritual Kenny. Fingerbang Kenny Redesigned. Kenny Goggles. Kenny Patriot Fan. Kenny in Mask Pandemic Special. Kenny Kommunity Kidz. Nazi Zombie Princess Kenny.
Inuit Kenny Reality. Cyborg Kenny Reality. Hermes Kenny Reality. Inuit Kenny Imagination. Cyborg Kenny Imagination. Hermes Kenny Imagination. Princess Kenny Imagination.
Mysterion Imagination. Stuart McCormick Father. McCormick Mother. Karen McCormick sister. Kevin McCormick brother. Grandpa McCormick Grandfather. Kenny's Rats. Garland dog. Kenny's Cat. Kenny's Unicorn. Junkyard Dog Stick of Truth.
Tammy Warner. Cheesing Princess. Miss Ellen. Lisa Berger. Eric Cartman. Stan Marsh. Kyle Broflovski. Butters Stotch. Jimmy Valmer. Token Black. In the season two episode 'City on the Edge of Forever', he tries to explain to Stan and Kyle that their hooded friend has died numerous times before. And in the season six episode 'Cartmanland', when being sued by Kenny's parents over a fatal amusement park incident, he outright states: "What, Kenny?
He dies all the time! So why is it that Cartman is able to spot what the others are so oblivious to? Well, there are two popular theories, and the first of which concerns him seeing things through Kenny's eyes — literally. In 'Succubus', the third episode of season three, Cartman convinces his optometrist to give him an eye transplant, using Kenny's frozen head as the donor. The natural conclusion here is that Cartman is aware of Kenny's immortality, simply because he sees things from his perspective via Redditor freddiemercury The second theory is actually extremely similar, but there's a bit more weight to it.
In 'A Ladder to Heaven', the 12th episode of the sixth season, Cartman drinks Kenny's ashes with some milk, which results in him experiencing several of his friend's memories, while also being possessed by his soul. This has led some fans to believe that the characters are still linked in some way, since they both shared the same body for a period of time. Now, if we're being honest about it, Parker and Stone were almost definitely making this stuff up as they went along, but there does seem to be some sort of connection between Cartman and Kenny that's pretty difficult to ignore, particularly when it comes to death.
It's when we look even further into their history, though, that things really start to get interesting. In , Parker and Stone released a short animated movie called The Spirit of Christmas not the version of the same name, which is a different film entirely , which eventually inspired them to go on and create South Park.
Using an even cruder method of paper-constructed animation, the short follows four familiar-looking boys who inadvertently give life to a murderous Frosty the Snowman after placing a hat on his head.
All four of the boys look virtually identical to their modern-day counterparts, except there's one notable difference: the one that looks exactly like Cartman is actually called Kenny.