Who is zachary comstock
There's a man who Booker finds dead at the lighthouse. This was likely a man sent by Comstock in order to prevent Booker from making it to Columbia. It's also likely that during one of the first attempts to get Booker to Elizabeth, this man killed him. Thus he was killed by the Luteces during any attempts after this one.
A note found in the lighthouse that reads, "Be prepared. He's on his way. You must stop him. This was probably a letter left for whoever the dead man is.
When Rosalind hands Booker the shield during the Comstock Center Rooftops portion of the game, both her and Robert are surprised that it doesn't kill him. This was likely an experimental item that killed Booker in other previous attempts. There are other various moments in the game which indicate that Booker's been through all of this before, and the Luteces almost treat him like a lab rat in a maze.
In the event that the player gets Booker killed during the game, you often see the black and white flashback to Booker's office again. It is possible that the game treats your "respawn" with that Booker actually having died, while you then continue playing as yet another Booker, one who makes a better choice at that time to prevent his death.
She received her powers from the point in time which she lost her pinky finger. The portal closing on her affected her and gave her the powers because it resulted in her partially existing in two universes at once. This is supported by the early voxophone titled "Source of Her Power" where Rosalind states: "I suspect it has less to do with what she is, and rather more with what she is not.
A small part of her remains from where she came. It would seem the universe does not like its peas mixed with its porridge. If you managed to stick around after the game's credits rolled by, you would have found yourself back in Booker DeWitt's PI room.
Turning toward the right and entering Anna's nursery, he calls out for her, and the game ends before you find out if she was in her crib. One theory is that through Comstock's death at the baptism, the only universe which remained was that in which Booker declined the baptism, and never attempted to sell his daughter.
In this final universe, Booker and Anna are assumed to live happily ever after. LOL", Ken Levine writer and creative director of the game replied with "--Did you read about the cat? One conclusion of the Copenhagen Interpretation of stated that a particle could exist in a infinite amount of states before being observed—a quantum superposition. In order to ridicule this, Erwin Schrodinger asked his colleagues to imagine a cat in a box with a vial of poison set to break at any time.
Before opening the box, one cannot know if the cat is alive or dead. Does this really mean that the cat is both alive and dead at the same time? Neils Bohr et al.
Having just read about the cat, we can assume that as the game cuts out before we are able to observe the crib, Anna is both in and gone from the crib. Because there's always more than one way to explain something, especially when that something happens to be the ending of BioShock Infinite.
Elizabeth's fate is still rather up in the air. It is possible she exists within the probability space like the Luteces. The first sea of lighthouses you encounter, with all the "stars" which are really tears represents the Bioshock multiverse. You enter a final light house where you're drowned by parallel universe Elizabeths.
But Prime Elizabeth never enters that lighthouse with you. Booker even says "wait, you're not, who are you? So Elizabeth is still outside, hanging out in the Columbia megaverse.
If drowning Booker eliminates the Comstock timelines, this could be visualized as all the lighthouses universes containing Comstock popping out of existence in that sea of lighthouses. The question is, what's she doing now? Sitting around in that endless sea of lighthouses? Knowing the constants and variables of each one? Can she visit Booker, and would she even want to? The ending tangentially opens new questions, infinitely, so to speak.
By the end of the game, the Elizabeth with whom we traveled was omniscient and quasi-omnipotent. It seems reasonable to conclude that she was able to remove herself from the Comstock timeline, to survive the erasure of the Columbia universe.
One can also make the case for Elizabeth transferring her consciousness. Booker wakes up in the post-credits scene and clearly, on some level, remembers the events of Infinite. If Booker remembers the events of the game, then it is possible that he will not go on to repeat his mistakes i. Also, if he remembers, he can instill within his child the same sense of intellectual curiosity, love of life, etc. And finally, if he remembers, it is possible that baby Anna will also come to acquire memories of the events that transpired within the game and, for all intents and purposes, become the Elizabeth that we knew in the game.
Even if one wishes to argue that "prime" Elizabeth the person with whom Booker travels during the events of the game enters the final lighthouse, her fate is still unclear. We do not actually witness the disappearance of the "final" Elizabeth. Some have contended that the final piano chime symbolizes her disappearance as well, but that is conjecture. One could make the counter-argument that if Ken Levine wanted us to know that the "final" Elizabeth disappears, he would have shown it.
To quote Andy Kelly at CVG, "The sudden cut to the credits is obviously intended to make this ambiguous, leaving players to decide her fate for themselves. Booker's death at the baptism would have brought an end to Elizabeth's existence. Resulting in Booker not having the opportunity to be drowned. Comstock and any Booker that interacted with Comstock would have to die. Booker's death at the baptism prevented the birth of Comstock, and therefore the creation of Columbia.
The interactive cutscene that plays after the credits have rolled is an entirely different story that suggests there is a universe in which Booker and Anna don't confront Comstock or a debt, as explained in the previous section.
However, this is unlikely because Booker's death at the Baptism would prevent every possible scenario of Anna's birth from ever coming into being. Anna's birth requires Booker's denial of the Baptism although Booker's denial of the baptism may not necessarily lead to Anna's birth. Even if Anna was born before the Baptism, Booker's dying still prevents him with living with her in any universe. If you view Elizabeth for what she is however, and how her ability is beyond that of any machine created by the Luteces, you can see where her acts near the end of the game can avoid following most logic.
Her goal when drowning Booker was to end Comstock's existence, not Booker's. By drowning Booker, she prevented the creation of Comstock in any universes, and thus eliminated any universes with Comstock in them. This allows for the cutscene at the end in which Booker still has Anna in his possession. Now if only he could get some therapy for his gambling addiction. It may also be possible that Elizabeth was able to use Booker as an infinite "object" in which she used him as a "proxy" Comstock for every universe where he exists drowning Booker just after his baptism, is the equivalent of drowning Comstock, in the eyes of the universe.
This is why multiple Elizabeths appear, and why there are no longer any people at the baptism with Booker. The Elizabeths have merged this moment together with all universes, and at the same time have separated it from time.
This way they conduct it as a "play", Booker plays Comstock and is killed in his place. In other words Booker is drowned which is then used as the universal ending, for any universe where Booker accepts the baptism as he cannot be drowned by refusing the baptism.
Rendering the image shown at the end as a universe where Booker refused the baptism now the only feasible one, as any Booker who accepts is drowned to death. Anna is a child when Booker awakens as this is the day as shown by the calender on Booker's desk that Anna was sold, thus he returns to this day where his universe is starting anew.
An idea left in the air is whether Booker remembers his ordeal, and if Anna exists here or not. Booker awakens startled in his chair hinting at waking up from a nightmare and immediately calls out Anna's name implying that he's afraid it hasn't worked before cutting to black we see a crib in the corner of the room implying we exist in a universe with Anna. Otherwise Booker's just a creep with a nursery and no child. A majority of the content within this theory is incorrect, and the explanation which eliminates the need for this theory has already been given above.
Elizabeth never states that she must kill Booker before he becomes Comstock. In fact, Comstock is killed in the end of the game, as Booker becomes Comstock while beneath the water. The only change here is that any Booker who accepts the baptism is drowned and never resurfaces. However, this can be explained with a paradox and the theory that nature will always correct a paradox.
If Booker always refused the baptism, he would continue to live and have Anna and would never have to give her up to Comstock. But being that this choice is a variable, Booker choosing to refuse it means there are always universes in which he accepts the baptism and becomes Comstock, resulting in some version of the events of the game.
This includes Elizabeth becoming omnipotent and drowning Booker before the baptism. However, the act of drowning Booker before the baptism means that Elizabeth would no longer have ever existed, and would therefore not have been able to drown him after all. When Booker accepts the baptism, it leads to the series of events that results in Elizabeth becoming all-powerful and drowning him before he even makes the decision. Because of this fact, the choice to accept the baptism creates a paradox, meaning it is not a possibility.
This means that the only possibility allowed by nature is to refuse the baptism, making the refusal no longer a variable, but a constant. Thanks to Elizabeth, no branching universes are created at this point and Booker goes on to raise Anna without her being taken away by an alternate version of himself. The problem with the Paradox Theory listed here is that if there are infinite universes, i.
In other words, alternate universes are branching off constantly and at all variable points, instead of the single arbitrary point of whether or not Booker chooses to be baptized.
Only this constant branching could provide infinite post-baptism-refusal Bookers to the Luteces, since universes would need to be branching off constantly based even on Booker's minor decisions. But if Booker's minor decisions after the baptism decision result in the creation of new universes, so do his minor decisions before the baptism.
This means that there are an infinite number of Bookers in different universes all go to the river and have a chance to make the baptism decision.
Drowning Booker before he is baptized in one of these, as happens in the ending then eliminates the infinite number of worlds in which that Booker becomes Comstock and in which fire rains from the sky, etc. Similarly, Elizabeth asks Booker how he deals with all the things he's done shortly after he rescues her and he replies that he just learned to live with them. One of the central themes, then, is whether or not a man can truly leave his sins behind him by participating in a ceremony.
Despite being baptised, washed of his sins and born again, Comstock goes on to commit further atrocities despite Wounded Knee "burnt the teepees with the squaws inside" , possibly because he believes himself to be truly another person following the baptism. However, he remains the same ruthless, cruel man internally. In this sense, then, the drowning death of Booker at the end of the game could be viewed, not as a physical death, but as a metaphysical one where Booker relinquishes the concept that his sins can be washed away solely by the act of baptism without an internal change.
Does this Booker have any knowledge of the events in the game, like a bad dream? I think so. Elizabeth asks Booker near the end if he is afraid of God and he answers in the negative. I'd like to think that Booker has been shown Divine Grace. This idea is purely theoretical and has little or no basis in the facts as presented by the game. It does however reconcile many of the paradoxical issues that other theories are plagued with. The thought is that the final baptism sequence is a place wholly of Elizabeth's creation and not an actual place within any of the timelines - a place outside of all universes.
This is reinforced by the fact that the people that would have been present for the baptism do not appear in the final sequence. In essence, the final scene is symbolic in nature and not literal. Elizabeth has created a place where drowning one Booker can stand in for killing however many Bookers as is necessary in order to stop the creation of Comstock in all universes. You could also say that one sacrificial lamb cleanses away the sins Comstocks of all Bookers in all universes.
Thus it could then be theorized that only the Bookers who accept the baptism die who's to say how this symbolic drowning would manifest? They may die soon after or even before the baptism leaving all the Bookers who refuse the baptism to live on - giving us the final scene after the end credits. Bioshock as a series has always been about ideology. Digging below the surface of the first two games reveals distinct references to and discussions about the philosophies of Ayn Rand.
Bioshock Infinite takes this idea an entire step further by tackling numerous ideas and philosophies. Namely, Bioshock Infinite includes themes about American Exceptionalism, Absolutism, Objectivism, and the concept of redemption among others. Booker's first few moments in Columbia are potentially meant to present some overly optimistic caricature of the American dream and one view of the American past.
Very, very quickly the game takes a darker turn and soon we see a different side of Columbia. This time Columbia is a much more pessimistic view of the American dream and the American past, which includes a moment where characters dressed in a way that heavily resembles the Ku Klux Klan shooting "Crows" at Booker.
However, both of these views are essentially caricature, and neither of them are entirely true or false, from a certain point of view. They are both two sides of the same coin. BioShock Infinite, then, reveals itself to be about perception and self image, and uses other thematic elements as a framing reference to approach this central theme.
Initially, the game looks at war and heroism. Booker's assault on Comstock examines how we might might dress up or distort our own pasts to cope with our misdeeds or failures. The motorized patriots are a symbol for the false effigies of past idols we create and use to justify our actions and beliefs. Infinite goes on to frame it's discussion on perception using themes of class warfare, first exaggerating the atrocities perpetuated on the working class, and then revealing their hypocracies.
At no point does the game exempt Booker, and therefore the player, from anything he or she sees. Because Booker worked for the Pinkertons, he is, in a way, guilty of creating the state of places like Finkton. Because, in one reality, Booker is a hero to the Vox Populi, he is guilty of their crimes as well.
He dies after having his head smashed against a fountain and drowned in it. BioShock Infinite Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 13 Sep pm. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. The third game in the popular Bioshock series, BioShock: Infinite breaks away from the underwater setting of the first two games to take players into the floating city of Columbia.
Release Date. No Time to Die Review. In Partnership with Wal-Mart. Set in suburban Chicago in the late s, the story centers on ten-year-old Jake Doyle's Fegley herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas. This act set in motion the chain of events that would lead to Fitzroy creating the revolutionary group known as the Vox Populi. Meanwhile, Rosalind and Robert saw the future of Columbia, and what Elizabeth would become, through their machine.
In an effort to prevent such a future, they plotted to take Elizabeth from Comstock and return her to her original universe. Comstock soon discovered what they were doing, and ordered Jeremiah Fink to sabotage their contraption, which seemingly killed the two as they were using it.
The effects of the sabotage, in fact, caused the Luteces to exist across all space and time, giving them the ability to appear wherever and whenever they wanted. Still determined to stop Comstock, they devised a plan to send Booker to Columbia to retrieve his long-lost daughter. Comstock becomes aware of Booker's presence after a commotion at Columbia's annual raffle and sends his forces after the man, determined to stop him from retrieving Elizabeth. At one point he confronts Booker directly, mocking the man's personal failures, and tries to trap him inside a burning airship.
Comstock's efforts are for naught, as Booker reaches Monument Island and Elizabeth willingly leaves with him. Comstock's tactics soon become more aggressive; he uses Siphons to hijack Elizabeth's powers and resurrect Lady Comstock as the Siren to stop them from proceeding.
When Comstock is finally able to recover Elizabeth with the help of Songbird, he takes drastic measures to keep her servile: barricading her in Comstock House , instructing his scientists to operate to decrease her access to her powers, and has her fitted with an electric mechanism that delivers an intensely painful shock when she is disobedient.
In the reality where this occurs, Comstock successfully turns Elizabeth into a brutal and murderous dictator who wages war on the world below. Feeling regret for allowing herself to become Comstock's heir, Elizabeth brings Booker to her universe. She gives him instructions to give to her other self on how to avoid this fate. She then sends him back to the other timeline, where Booker is able to rescue Elizabeth, and the two resolve to murder Comstock. After boarding and navigating Comstock's ship, the Hand of the Prophet , Booker and Elizabeth confront the Prophet in his cabin.
Here, Comstock tries to regain Elizabeth's trust by weakening her faith in Booker, grabbing her and demanding that Booker tell her the truth about her lost finger. In a fit of rage, Booker grabs Comstock by the throat and smashes his head against a stone baptismal font multiple times before drowning him in it. After destroying the Siphon at Monument Island, Elizabeth is able to unlock the full extent of her powers and discovers Comstock's true origins.
Comstock is an alternate version of Booker DeWitt. After the Battle of Wounded Knee, Booker was overcome with guilt for the atrocities he committed and sought a way to absolve himself of his sins. He turned to Preacher Witting for baptism, so that he may be reborn as a different man and start anew, free of his past atrocities.
In one reality, Booker was unable to go through with the baptism, while in another he accepted it, and took on the name Zachary Hale Comstock. She and Booker travel to the place of Booker's baptism, where he was "reborn" as Comstock. Elizabeth reveals that to truly destroy Comstock, in the set of realities where he accepts the baptism, Booker must die. With this revelation, Booker allows multiple Elizabeths from different universes to drown him.
In doing so, Comstock and all of the events he put in motion — including the creation of Columbia — are erased from existence. While Comstock accepted baptism and changed his name in some realities, in others he rejected it and retained the name, Booker DeWitt. Unable to find succor in religion, Booker turned to the vices of gambling and drinking to deal with his lingering guilt over his actions at Wounded Knee. At some point, he met Annabelle Watson whom he married and she became the mother of his child.
Unfortunately, Annabelle died in childbirth, sending him further into his downward spiral of gambling debts and alcoholism. One day, Robert Lutece arrived and made an offer to erase Booker's debts in exchange for the infant Anna, an exchange he made but immediately regretted. Booker attempted to retrieve his daughter but failed and she was taken through a Tear.
Nearly two decades later, the Luteces had a change of heart and sent different versions of Booker repeatedly to Comstock's universes to retrieve Anna. These alternate Bookers failed times before the rd finally succeeded. In one of these universes where Booker failed, he became a prominent leader of the Vox Populi, and after his death was held up as a martyr to their revolution, which, in an ironic way, was a revolution being waged against a version of himself.
In an alternate reality, Comstock's path shifted course when rather than Anna's pinkie, her head was severed by the closing of the Lutece Tear. Overwhelmed by horror and guilt, Comstock had the initials 'AD' tattooed on his hand and had the Luteces help him escape to a new time and place where he could start a new life and forget his guilt. The Luteces opened a tear to Rapture , where Comstock lost his memories of his prior life and began using his original name once more, Booker DeWitt while working as a private detective.
At some point in his years in Rapture, he took in a young orphan girl named Sally , who disappeared one day while he was gambling at Sir Prize.