Where to get iron ore in skyrim

This ore is extremely precious and expensive, which is why finding it in loot is key to save some gold. When it comes to Glass armor and weapons, Malachite ore is absolutely necessary for its crafting and improvement, along with Moonstone ore. Malachite ore is even more uncommon in the wild than Moonstone ore, and it's just as expensive as Moonstone ore.

One piece of it can cost up to 30 gold, so players should definitely mine it themselves. No doubt the most wanted ore in the game, Ebony ore is used in the making of Ebony armor and gear, which is one of the best armors for heavy armor specialists.

One piece of Ebony ore can sell for 60 gold, which goes to show how rare and highly coveted this ore is. That said, it's actually not the rarest ore, given how abundant its veins are in certain locations in Skyrim. With over 30 apparel enchantments available, Skyrim players are spoiled for choice.

Here are the best armor enchantments, ranked. Tea lover and video game obsessed writing enthusiast with her very own Overwatch team, Anastasia writes about games that leave an impression on her and make her come back time and time again. Share Share Tweet Email. Related Topics Strategy Guides Skyrim. Anastasia Maillot Articles Published. Iron Ore Veins may be mined with a pickaxe to obtain iron ore.

Each vein has a chance to produce a precious gem. The veins reset once every thirty in-game days. Iron Ore may be purchased from blacksmiths , or any merchant that sells miscellaneous goods.

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For other uses, see Iron Ore. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki. Sixteen veins in Halted Stream Camp , northwest of Whiterun. Ten veins in Fort Fellhammer , south-southeast of Dawnstar. Eight veins in Embershard Mine , southwest of Riverwood and one vein northwest from Embershard mine's exit, among rocks. Seven ore pieces in Faldar's Tooth , which is east-northeast of Heartwood Mill.

They are on a shelf next to a forge. Six veins in Gloombound Mine , southeast of Windhelm. Six veins in Iron-Breaker Mine , southeast in Dawnstar, near the smelter.

The first one can be found on the wall to the right in the narrow cave the next three can be found upon entering the large cavern, immediately to the right — two on the floor, one on the wall. Another is just up the first ramp, and another is just a few paces up. Five veins in Left Hand Mine , just southeast of Markarth. Five veins in Knifepoint Mine at Knifepoint Ridge note that three veins are locked behind a door with a leveled lock. Four veins in Rockwallow Mine , east of Morthal located in Stonehills.

Three veins in Northwind Mine , north of Northwind Summit appears to be right next to the Summit on the map and northwest of Shor's Stone. Three ore veins near Evergreen Grove , which is located north-northwest of Falkreath , west of the Falkreath Watchtower. The first vein is to the north — from where the alchemist lies dead, head west past the dirt ledges and then turn right up the slope, the vein is against a huge rock cropping. The other two veins can be found by going in different directions from the same starting point — the dragon mound that is very near the pond.

First, head south-southeast down the slope until reaching a large, flat rock jutting out of the side of the hill; the vein is just underneath this rock. Then, return to the mound and this time head southwest right up to another giant rock cropping, from there turn right and walk a few paces forward; the vein will be next to the rock ledge on the right-hand side. Two veins in Movarth's Lair , which is located northeast of Morthal.

Two veins in Whistling Mine , southeast of Winterhold. Two veins southwest of Sarethi Farm , which is west-southwest of the Rift Watchtower and directly north of Treva's Watch.

Two veins below the tower of the Riverwood Folly , which is an unmarked location south-southeast of Bleak Falls Barrow. Two veins on an island north from Ysgramor's Tomb , which is located northwest of Winterhold. Two veins outside Purewater Run , which is located west of Dushnikh Yal — one vein is just east of the cave, the other is a ways south down the hill. Two veins behind the entrance to Geirmund's Hall , which is east of Ivarstead, on the island in the middle of Lake Geir , between several trees.

Two veins slightly east of Secunda's Kiss , which is located southwest of Whiterun. They are quite a ways up the mountain, so follow the pathway leading up to Bleak Falls Barrow past the second turn until two snowy trees stand a few feet away and a snowberry bush is seen on the right-hand side. A flat ledge overlooking Secunda's Kiss is just past the pair of trees and the bush — this is where the ore veins are.

A frost troll often spawns here. Two veins above the road leading to the southeast corner of the game world. From Stendarr's Beacon , head down the hill across the path and head back up another hill on the other side. Upon reaching a bloody path , turn left north and walk straight ahead until the ore veins are found. Two veins in Broken Oar Grotto , located west of the Solitude Lighthouse and Brinewater Grotto ; one on the path along the wall to the right after ascending the ramps seen upon entering the grotto, and one to the left of the bridge leading to the large wooden structure.

Two veins along the base of the rock wall just south of Duskglow Crevice , which is located northwest of Silverdrift Lair and southeast of Dawnstar.

Two veins in Saarthal , which is located southwest of Winterhold, west of the Shrine of Azura , and north of Mount Anthor. Two near Ysgramor's Tomb — one directly to the west, on the sand, and one a short ways northeast, past a cropping of rocks. Two veins in between Falkreath and Roadside Ruins. To find them, go to the cemetery behind Falkreath's Hall of the Dead.

From there, head up a small, steep hill to the right and then go a ways left. The veins are by a small ledge. The first is just southwest of the Stone, next to some rocks, and the other is at the bottom of the small rocky cliff west of the Stone and east of Snow-Shod Farm.

Two veins in the cave section of Avanchnzel , which is located west-southwest of Riften and northwest of Largashbur. The first vein is to the left of the downward slope, on the upper ledge. The second is in the third cavern of the cave from the entrance — head through the passage after the downward slope, and the vein is to the right.

One vein north of Blizzard Rest , which is located north of Whiterun and south of Dawnstar. Veins are shown at either of the two highest zoom levels. Iron items can be forged from the start of the game, without the need to unlock any Smithing perks. This also means that only normal-level tempering of iron items is possible there is no perk that provides the ability to "improve them twice as much".

Iron Armor is the lowest-quality heavy armor in the game, and appears in leveled lists from the start of the game. All items can be tempered using 1 Iron Ingot.

Banded Iron Armor is marginally better quality heavy armor than standard Iron Armor, and also appears in leveled lists from the start of the game. One drawback of Banded Iron armor is that only a cuirass and shield are available, meaning that it is impossible to create a Matching Set of Banded Iron armor Patch 1. Both items can be tempered using 1 Corundum Ingot. Iron weapons are the lowest-quality weapons in the game, and appear in leveled lists from the start of the game.

All items except ammunition can be tempered using 1 Iron Ingot. Arrows can only be smithed if the Dawnguard add-on has been installed.

There is no "Iron Bow", only Iron Arrows. The bow found at similar levels is the Long Bow , which cannot be crafted but can be improved with firewood. Jump to: navigation , search. Skyrim Materials and Styles.


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