Where is zone a in nyc for evacuation

David Cruz and Elizabeth Kim. Jake Offenhartz. The Brian Lehrer Show. From a foot-long barge moored in Raritan Bay, workers are placing more than 1, stone-filled mattresses into the water.

They will double as an important habitat for marine species. Nathan Kensinger. Please choose whether or not you wish to save this view before you leave; or choose Cancel to return to the page.

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No storm combines duration, size, and wind speed more destructively than a hurricane. New York City's geography makes it especially vulnerable to wind and flooding.

With sustained winds of more than 74 mph, hurricanes can flatten homes, topple trees and turn loose objects into deadly projectiles. The storm's driving winds and torrential rains can cause massive and dangerous flooding in low-lying and poor-drainage areas.

However, storm surge — the dome of seawater pushed forward by the oncoming storm — is the most serious hurricane-related hazard. Everyone should have a plan that outlines what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate if a hurricane strikes New York City. Make sure that your emergency plan addresses how your needs may affect your ability to evacuate, shelter in place, or communicate with emergency workers. If you are still experiencing issues, please describe the problem below and we will be happy to assist you.

Screenshot shows the city's hurricane evacuation zone map for Staten Island with evacuation centers. Courtesy: City Office of Emergency Management. On Staten Island, much of the East Shore and West Shore are covered by the first and second evacuation zones, which represent the most at-risk parts of the city, and much of the Island is covered in the less severe evacuation zones. The maps also features evacuation centers around the city, like the Michael J. Petrides school complex, and Curtis High School.


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