When was qtp 9 released
Thus for this specific time period, the concurrent licenses available offshore will be equal to total concurrent licenses minus commuter licenses. Read about UFT One licenses in detail. You may buy a license for 3 months, 6 months or 1 year duration. Here is a chart: UFT license price may vary by region and by organization. Enterprises buying in bulk may get substantial discount. Check various options here. There are many options available for UFT One training. This program was started back in and has seen many revisions since then incorporating feedback from trainees and adding content as per the needs.
It is one of the most recommended and well liked UFT training programs available today. Since the program is available online, provides real world knowledge, individuals across the world join this training to enhance their skill set. Check complete details about this program here. To test this scenario manually, you would generally follow these steps —. Now consider a case where you have to test this login functionality many a times or you have to test the same functionality for large number of different users say a or more users.
To achieve this, you can write your code for log in scenario in UFT and run the code any number of times with a single click of a button, of course with same or different test data as required.
This is a very raw example, in trained hands UFT One can accomplish a lot many tasks. Source: 10k Sec filing by MI on March 29th, Astra QuickTest 3. Source: Mike Oliveira. Astra QuickTest 5. After the addition of various patches, Astra Quicktest 5. This version was able to test websites to ensure they meet the requirements of Section , an amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of QuickTest Professional 6. The major new features added in this version were:.
QuickTest Professional 8. QuickTest Professional 9. This was the time when Mercury started phasing out another popular product WinRunner since the company had integrated all its capabilities in QTP.
QuickTest Professional With this version QTP started providing 30 days trial instead of 14 days trial offered in the earlier versions. The major new features introduced in this version were:. Unified Functional Testing This service pack can be installed directly on top of UFT 12 was released in March The major new features introduced in UFT 12 were:. UFT The major new features introduced in UFT UFT 14 was released on Jan 31st, The major new features introduced in UFT 14 were:. The major new enhancements made in UFT The major enhancements made in UFT UFT One The major updates and enhancements made in UFT One Here is a quick video introduction to UFT One 73 sec.
Yes, it is and much more. How to use UFT for applications that are not browser based?. Since this application does not run under a browser, how to record the actions that are taking place in this application using UFT?
Hi Ankur, Im working in Manual Testing Windows based application for past two years i would like to study the automation so which course is better for my career…. Will the installation overwrite my earlier QTP? Hi, I worked as a QTP and manual tester 6 years back. Used QTP 10 version then. Since then, I have a gap of 6 years in my career.
What things I need to brush up to get myself again in job track? What course do you prefer for my situation since I have no knowledge on UFT? Please advice.
Aparna: Have a look at online UFT training course. It should help. So can I join in UFT testing. If I get any job am I sustain or not in the job.
Please Give your advice Thanks Kumar. Kumar: Try to brush up fundamentals and get some good UFT training first. How do we use QTP tool for testing?? Do we have actually do coding in VB script or there are excel formats to directly generate the scripts?
Can you please guide me. To what extent do I need VBscript knowledge and how can I learn it. I have one question i. Addins used for specifying which type of langugae used in project. Then it will not give error of object identification. I am unable to record any thing in chrome version Please provide some materials. Suggest me. Its really a good article. Thank you so much. Could you please send me QTP I have scripts developed in QTP 11 version.
I got the new UFT The QTP scripts execute in read only mode and cannot be edited for modification. Can some one please help me open those in write mode please? Net ADD in was not instalelled. Other addins were installed. I am not able to find any patch for. I am unabe to compare a bitmap image in a runtime with the one i load rather the bitmap checkpoint gives totally different results every time whenever i am using the same set of values.
Hi, I have installed QTP 11 on my machine. I am unable to open sql developer after installing QTP. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks Shafi. Do send me the exact link where i can get it. Srikanth: Please check the FAQs section here. Hi all, my question is what is the use of recording step to generate scripts in real life situation? How many process possible to create script for QTP? Thanks for the help. Legally it is not possible to install it again, unless you format the OS.
It will however be in a beta mode. Thanks in advance. Please Help…. Can you provide more information on what error you are getting? It has many fixes. If installing that service pack patch did not fixes that issue, then you have to report this to HP. My appplication is dotnet appln. But the application got migrated from Windows server to windows server Did you check what object recognition library you have loaded?
Sounds to me like you have. NET windows forms loaded. Try changing it to just WEB. Also check these 16 tips when QTP is unable to identify an object , we published today. When i open business components in UFT COuld anyone help me regarding this…. Hi Ankur, I am working on a javabased desktop application and devloping a framework. Most of the works on javatables. I am facing a problem during identifying javatable.
Object spy identify only table but not the childobjects. So,do we need any patch or addin for this. I am using QTP Right now i am using 30days trial version. When the 30days period will be over 1 Is it possible to download and install the trail version again on the same machine i am using right now? Ankur — Thanks for the reply. Vijay: Yes. It should be identified as a browser. Please check if your version of Chrome is compatible with Chrome v Ankur — Can you please let us know, what is the meaning of only replay support with Chrome?
Vijay: Please check this link. With this patch, UFT now fully supports. HP is keeping pace with Firefox. It has added support for Firefox 21 in this pack.
A new method was added for Insight objects: ClickSpecial. Unified Functional Testing This service pack is a mandatory update for all UFT The major new features introduced in UFT The material is from Learn QTP. Like Dislike. Would you like to react to this message? Create an account in a few clicks or log in to continue.
Knowledge Share :: Testing :: Automation. History of the QTP. Page 1 of 1.