What makes you a good demoman
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Know another quote from Meet the Demoman? Don't let people miss on a great quote from the "Meet the Demoman" movie - add it here! Add a Quote. Our favorite collection of Famous Movies ». Michael Curtiz - Die Hard.
John McTiernan - Fight Club. David Fincher - Shawshank Redemption. Frank Darabont - Be precise and quick : "scout took 80 on train" at badlands mid, for example.
Radius has returned to normal it seems, damage is exactly as is post "February 16, Patch" and the radius ramp-up mechanic isn't working. It seems as though the radius is reverted maybe identical to rockets , but the radius ramp-up mechanic doesn't seem to be working. Live Streams TF. Bracket Avast No trolling tonight! Pockets and the Crew! Upvote Upvoted 11 Downvote Downvoted. Things a lot of demos do wrong: - Not charging stickys - Not use stickys enough -Try to use pipes a lot - Trying to set up a lot of traps.
Everytime I try to play demo I crash Muma playing pugs will be the most excruciating and least fun thing imaginable, but if you can bare through it, it helps tremendously. What makes a good demoman? I've been out of the loop for a while; how was the demoman nerfed? Darkdwarf I've been out of the loop for a while; how was the demoman nerfed? Numbers might be a little off; doing this from memory. Well, that explains why stickies felt off when I tried out playing lately.