What makes pyramid head so scary

As can be seen in a painting and as Pyramid Head's title in Dead by Daylight , he is also known as the Executioner. Executioners aren't known for being wandering killers, but rather those who kill those who've been caught for a crime. This is representative of James' desire to face justice for his act of killing Mary.

While this is a terrifying weapon capable of killing people with only one swing, it is a burden to carry. Pyramid Head is unable to move very fast while using it and performing a single swing with it takes a lot of time to do. Those being pursued by Pyramid Head can also hear him coming from the loud noise the Great Knife makes as it's dragged across the floor.

This could be a reflection of James needing to let go of Mary and how he can become stronger when he gets past his guilt. One of the more subtle aspects of James Sunderland's character is his sexual repression that he went through while Mary was in the hospital.

It is suggested through a variety of details in Silent Hill 2 that James either was visiting strip clubs or outright cheating on Mary while she was suffering from illness. This also helps James build up more of his guilt, but with Pyramid Head symbolizing many of the inner parts of James' mind, this monster also reflects this. The first time players ever see Pyramid Head in Silent Hill 2 , he is sexually assaulting two enemies known as Mannequins before killing them. These enemies are two female lower halves fused together with each other at the seams.

Mannequins seem to symbolize how James viewed the other women he's seen while she was in the hospital with them literally as walking sexual objects. With Pyramid Head brutalizing them before killing them, it shows how James would take breaks from dealing with pain by just filling his life with vices such a sexual gratification. Other monsters such as the faceless nurses seen in Silent Hill 2 also symbolize how James viewed the other women in his life, with him even mentally sexualizing the nurses that were helping Mary.

This is simply due to developers wanting to capitalize off of Pyramid Head's popularity as a character and placing his reason for existing after having him in a game at all. Pyramid Head has a much nicer ring to it. The Red Pyramid Thing. Creepy, but not particularly threatening.

But Pyramid Head is not just a punisher. Desires that he most likely felt were unfair to ask of Mary in her illness and repressed out of love for her and hatred of himself and her. This is shown in two scenes where Pyramid Head appears to be assaulting a Mannequin and a Lying Figure.

The Lying Figure scene is a little more open to interpretation but most players view it as such. The Mannequin is a more generally sexualized creature. The Lying Figure, however, seems to be more specific. Mary, bound in her illness stricken body, spitting venomous words at James, lashing out in her fear and pain. This is why Pyramid Head rarely attacks James directly. In the stairwell Pyramid Head does not chase James and will only attack the player if you get too close.

Another time is during a cut-scene where he shoves James off the roof and into a previously inaccessible part of the hospital, pushing you closer to the truth.

The only character he attacks directly is Maria, the false comfort that James and the town created to further his delusion and keep him from realizing the truth. Even in the final confrontation with the twin Pyramid Heads they move a bit faster than normal and they are threatening especially in Hard mode but still slower than a lot of the other bosses. Both gave me nightmares, literally. Not sure I want to play Amnesia, well, not sure I have the balls to play Amnesia is more like it. Then again, I have an unnecessary fear of porcelain dolls and the doll factory in Condemned 2: Bloodshot freaked me out.

Always wondered what the hell that thing was, ever since watching the Egorapter Resi 4 video I have wondered what the hell that thing was. Beforet : After thinking it through, Mr. Face is the scariest of all gaming villains, and Amnesia is pants-shittingly terrifying, having played some today.

BigBrobawski : I am seriously frightened by porcelain dolls and puppets. They freak me the fuck out. SpencerTucksen said:. I used to have to sleep in the living room of my house and my mom has a huge porcelain doll collection in there. Needless to say, I nearly committed suicide. Solid choice, and I agree to an extent. But you can kill Nemesis. You can't kill Mr. No weapons. Lol, That's the gaping face guy you see above.

Motherfucking Scissorman. The only character that made me afraid, and i played Amnesia. BigBrobawski : I understand your pain, and fear your mother. MikeGosot : I see what you're saying I get that it was scary, but I just can't put him up to the top on MY list. Im not taking the piss either many a time in Condemned 1 and 2 them damn hobos scared the shit out of me. Also that dentist splicer from Bioshock dear god! The Nightmares!! To where you come around a corner and suddenly, boom


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